Fussy Chicken Mac OS

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Last month Apple announced the biggest design update of the Mac operating system since the launch of Mac OS X twenty years ago. That design overhaul caused some consternation amongst Apple's long-term loyalists who loved the raw pixel power of the original OS, the mother of all screen-as-desktop OS designs. This Mac application is an intellectual property of Konstantinos Prouskas and InterAction studios. The program is also known as 'Chicken Invaders UO', 'Chicken Invaders UO demo'. The bundle id for this application is com.interactionstudios.ci4demo.app.

  1. Fussy Chicken Mac Os Download
  2. Fussy Chicken Mac Os 11
  3. Fussy Chicken Mac Os Catalina

The only Mac that seems really out of date is the Mac Mini, which can be out-performed by a 4k AppleTV at a much lower cost in a package with a fraction of the volume. I'd buy an arm64 Mini running macOS (essentially a 4k+ with a bigger SSD and a slightly different OS). Title Developer/publisher Release date Genre License Mac OS versions A-10 Attack! Parsoft Interactive 1995 Flight simulator Abandonware 7.5–9.2.2. Stovetop Mac 'n' Cheese. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. BBQ Chicken Sandwiches and Pickled Cucumbers. Egg-Salad-and-Caramelized-Onion Sandwiches. Perfect Guacamole.

Services are one of the oldest ways of extending OS X's capabilities, dating all the way back to NeXTSTEP, the operating system Apple bought in 1997 and turned into OS X. But there's a good chance you're not aware of services, or have forgotten about the Services menu, since it's easily missed, tucked away as it is in the application menu for most apps. Since that menu mostly contains command like About, Preferences, and Quit, many people never look through it closely.

The simplest way to explain services is that they're a way to invoke features of one app from within another app. Here's an example. Let's say you want to email a snippet of text (like a passage from a helpful TidBITS article on our Web site) to a friend. Here's how most people would do that:

  1. Select the text.
  2. Copy the text.
  3. Switch to Mail.
  4. Create a new message.
  5. Paste the text into the body of the message.

Here's how to perform that same task using a service. In this example, I'm viewing the desired text in the Google Chrome Web browser, but this built-in service works in most OS X apps:

    1. Select the text.
    2. Choose Chrome > Services > New Email With Selection.

This creates a new message in Apple Mail with the selected text, in fewer than half the required actions.

What's great about services is that they work in many OS X apps and with all sorts of objects, like selected text, graphics, files, and folders. The Services menu is contextual, so what you see in it depends on what's selected. In the Finder, the Services menu also appears at the bottom of the contextual menu that appears when you Control- or right-click on a file or folder.

Managing Services — To see and manage all services, open System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services. Apple presumably chose this somewhat odd place for services because services can also be invoked with keyboard shortcuts.

Once in the Services view of the Keyboard preference pane, you can check and uncheck services to enable or disable them. To save even more time, you can add keyboard shortcuts to commonly used services. Select a service, click Add Shortcut, and press the desired keys. It can be tough to find a simple keyboard shortcut that isn't already claimed by the Finder or another app, but I've found that Command-Option-Control, followed by a letter, usually works. Some services come pre-configured with their own keyboard shortcuts, which can be annoying if the service's shortcut takes over from a command's shortcut in a particular app — just redefine the service shortcut to resolve the conflict.

Frankly, the built-in interface is pretty bad, because you can't expand the System Preferences window to accommodate a lengthy list of services or long service names that end up being cut off. Happily, there's an alternative, a utility called Services Manager from MacOSXAutomation.com. It's old, and thus a little fussy to install, but it still works fine.

Once you've downloaded and expanded the file, Control-click the Services Manager Installer.pkg, and choose Open from the contextual menu. This is necessary if you have Gatekeeper set to allow only apps from the Mac App Store and identified developers. Once you allow it to run, you can work your way through the installer, which places the Services Manager app in the Utilities folder inside your Applications folder.

Launch it, and you can see that it offers a simple interface for enabling and disabling services and assigning keyboard shortcuts. Since its window is resizable and you can show only services in specific categories, it's far easier to use than the standard interface.

If you want to get rid of a service entirely, so it no longer shows up in the list in the Services view of the Keyboard preference pane or in Services Manager, Control-click it in either, and choose Show in Finder/Reveal in Finder. For services that are Automator workflows, the ~/Library/Services folder will open, and you can just move that service to the trash (Services Manager also has a Move to Trash command in its contextual menu). 4 pillars mac os. But for services provided by apps, choosing Show in Finder identifies the app containing theservice, and the only way to eliminate the service is to delete the app. You also can't delete services built in to OS X.

Adding More Services — OS X ships with quite a few services, but if you want to expand the number of services in your Mac's repertoire, the good news is that you often don't have to do any extra work to install them, since many come with apps. Here are just a handful of apps that include their own services: BBEdit, Ember, Evernote, GraphicConverter, Nisus Writer Pro, TextExpander, Scrivener, Twitter, and Vox. There are undoubtedly hundreds or even thousands more.

Unfortunately, it's easy to end up with services that are broken, due to having been installed by old or obsolete apps. For instance, I discovered an Open with Pixelmator service, which was exciting because Pixelmator is my second-favorite image editor (after Preview). Sadly, Pixelmator's service doesn't work, but I'll explain how to work around this.

You can also download and install standalone services. One of my favorites is DEVONtechnologies' free WordService package, which includes a slew of useful services for working with text, things like changing the case of selected text, inserting dates, trimming lines, and showing statistics. Download the WordService package, expand the .zip file, copy the WordService app to your Applications folder, and finally double-click the WordService icon to install the necessary services. You can then enable the included services in Services Manager or System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services, under the Text heading.

Megaparsec mac os. For fans of the Markdown text markup language, Brett Terpstra (with help from Joe Workman) offers Markdown Service Tools that help you create links, format text, and even convert between HTML and Markdown.

Installing Markdown Service Tools is a bit more involved than WordService. After unzipping the package, open the MarkdownServiceTools2.12 folder. You'll see a whole mess of services, 33 all told. To install just a few, select them, and either double-click one or press Command-O. For each, OS X asks you if you want to install it or open it in Automator. Alternatively, in the Finder, press Option and choose Go > Library, and then open the Services folder. Drag the services you want to install from the MarkdownServiceTools2.12 folder. Either way, I recommend installing only those you need and understand, because otherwise the list is overwhelming.

Make Your Own Services — If you can't find a service you want, you may be able to make your own if you're handy with Automator. In Automator, select File > New, and when prompted to choose a type, choose Service. The possibilities here are nearly endless, but you don't have to memorize Joe Kissell's 'Take Control of Automating Your Mac' to get started (although it's an excellent reference if you want to learn more).

Here's how to recreate that aforementioned Open with Pixelmator service:

    1. After you've started a new service in Automator, search for the Open Finder Items action and drag it into the right-most pane.
    2. Set the Service Receives Selected pop-up menus to 'files or folders' in 'any application.'
    3. In the Open Finder Items action, choose Pixelmator (or whatever app you choose) from the Opens With pop-up menu. If you're confused, just mimic the screenshot below.
  1. Save your service and give it a descriptive name. I named mine 'Open with Pixelmator — Custom' to distinguish it from the broken one that ships with Pixelmator.

Now, when you select a file or folder in the Finder and open the Services menu, 'Open with Pixelmator — Custom' will be an option. You can also assign a keyboard shortcut to your new service too. I set my shortcut to Command-Option-Control-P, so I can select an image in the Finder and press that hotkey to open the image in Pixelmator. Again, you can modify this simple Automator service to open selected files in any application you choose.

Services are an excellent way to tie apps together in OS X, and they're one of OX X's hidden treasures, a feature that too few people think about and that suffers from Apple's benign neglect. Nonetheless, services can make you more efficient with the apps you're already using, and for those of you who already rely on services, let me know in the comments which services you find most useful.

  1. Linux
    1. Embedded Linux
  2. Mac OS X
    1. MacPorts
  3. BSD
  4. Haiku
  5. Other platforms/cross-platform support

Platform packages

This aims to provide a comprehensive listing of all platforms where CHICKEN is available in pre-packaged form (whether as a distribution package or a binary).

To see on which platforms CHICKEN is supported, see portability.

In order to enable software written using CHICKEN to be effectively distributed, it is important that CHICKEN (or at least the CHICKEN libraries) be included in as many of the various packaging systems as possible, so that it can always be relied on as an available dependency.


Arch Linux

  • Arch users can install CHICKEN 5.0.0 from its official community repository:
  • There is also an AUR package if you would like to use CHICKEN from Git.
  • Furthermore, some Eggs may be available as AUR packages as well.
Fussy Chicken Mac OS

Debian Linux

Fussy Chicken Mac Os Download

  • CHICKEN 5.2.0 is available in an unofficial repository for Debian 10 and newer on build.opensuse.org.
  • CHICKEN 5.1.0 is officially included in the Debian Sid (unstable) distribution.
  • CHICKEN 4.13.0 is officially included in the Debian Bullseye (testing) distribution.
  • CHICKEN 4.13.0 is officially included in the Debian Buster (stable) distribution.
  • CHICKEN 4.11.0 is officially included in the Debian Stretch (oldstable) distribution.
  • CHICKEN is officially included in the Debian Jessie (oldoldstable) distribution.

Users can install CHICKEN on Debian by using apt or aptitude:


Fedora Linux (and RHEL derivatives, via EPEL)

Fedora officially includes a fairly recent version of CHICKEN. To install, just use yum:

There is also an unofficial RPM repository located at home:zilti:chicken with up-to-date Fedora packages.

Ubuntu Linux

  • Chicken 4.13.0 is officially included in the Ubuntu Cosmic distribution
  • Chicken 4.12.0 is officially included in the Ubuntu Bionic distribution
  • CHICKEN 4.11.0 is officially included in the Ubuntu Artful and Zesty distributions.
  • CHICKEN is officially included in the Ubuntu Xenial distribution.
  • CHICKEN 4.8.0 is officially included in the Ubuntu Trusty distribution.
  • CHICKEN 5.2.0 is available in an unofficial repository for Ubuntu 18.04 and newer on build.opensuse.org.

Gentoo Linux

Gentoo users can install chicken the normal way:

This will download, compile and install the latest version of CHICKEN (if it is not already installed).

CHICKEN's Portage ebuild is maintained by Marijn Schouten.


There is currently one semi-official and one unofficial build of CHICKEN. Both are build on OBS, the openSUSE Build Service.

The semi-official one can be found at devel:languages:misc. The unofficial one is from the user zilti and you can find it at home:zilti:chicken

In order to install CHICKEN from devel:languages:misc, you need something along the lines of:

For a complete set of openSUSE distributions and more installation options you can check the CHICKEN download page at software.opensuse.org


  • There is an unofficial repository located at home:zilti:chicken with up-to-date Mageia packages.


  • Void users can install CHICKEN 5 from the official package repository:

Embedded Linux


meta-chicken is a layer for Yocto/OpenEmbedded which can be used to cross-compile CHICKEN and eggs.


CHICKEN 5.0.0 is included in the development branch of OpenWRT. If you have the line

(note it says 'snapshots' and not 'releases') in the file

you'll be able to install it with opkg as shown below:

For the stable version it would be necessary to compile the sources from this repository (follow the instructions there).


This package consists of the runtime library plus interpreter. The version of CHICKEN is 2.733.

Package maintained by john moore.

Maemo 5

Superpokemonbros mac os. Instructions for getting CHICKEN (4.4) and many eggs from a handy optified deb repository are at: http://0xab.com/n900

Fussy Chicken Mac Os 11

Package maintained by Andrei Barbu.

Chrome OS

If you have your Chrome OS device in developer mode and have installed Chromebrew you can install it from binaries using:

or compile from source using:

Mac OS X


If you're using MacPorts, installation is very simple. Open the Terminal application and type the following:

This will download, compile and install the latest CHICKEN version.

Installing the readline egg

You can install the readline egg to get history and tab-completion in csi. See Using the interpreter.

However, you may get errors when compiling the egg. This is because Apple doesn't ship GNU readline with OS X. However, there is an easy fix:

Fixing libchicken.dylib

When using certain extensions (posix is one example), you may come across the following error:

The easiest way to fix this is to add an alias to libchicken.dylib to /usr/local/lib, like so:

Another solution is to set the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to the location of libchicken.dylib. However, this will mess up some other programs, as they will look for their libraries in /opt/local/lib as well. One solution is to set up aliases for csi and csc in your bash profile. Add the following two lines to ~/.profile:

This will set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH for csi and csc, but not for other commands.


If you're using Homebrew you can install the formula chicken:



For FreeBSD, you can use the lang/chicken5 port to install the latest stable release.


For NetBSD, you can use the lang/chicken package from pkgsrc to install the latest stable release.

Fussy Chicken Mac Os Catalina


For OpenBSD, you can use the lang/chicken package by running the following command as root:

DragonFly BSD

For DragonFly BSD, you can use the lang/chicken package from pkgsrc to install the latest stable release.



CHICKEN has been added to the official ports repository and can be installed with the following command:

Other platforms/cross-platform support


For many systems, you can use pkgsrc. This is a cross-platform packaging system, which works on most modern Unix-like operating systems and even on Windows (using Interix/Services for Unix or Cygwin). See this table for the full list of supported platforms.

Microsoft Windows

NOTE: Some users may encounter issues installing eggs on Windows (particularly bind) unless an appropriate C compiler is installed. It is recommended to use mingw-w64 in place of mingw32 as the mingw32 project is no longer as actively maintained.

If you use cygwin there are up to date packages included for 32 and 64bit versions.

MSYS2 is easy to setup and build Chicken for, and produces native 64 bit Windows binaries.

User survey

A survey trys to find out which platforms are commonly used by CHICKEN users. There might be an issue with csi.

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